The Junior League of San Joaquin County was founded in 1927 as “Junior Aid”. In 2008, the chapter became affiliated with the Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI), and thus took the title Junior League of San Joaquin County (JLSJC). The AJLI is a long-standing women’s organization and boasts such notable members as Shirley Temple, Barbara & Laura Bush, Eleanor Roosevelt, Julia Child, and Katharine Hepburn.
The purpose of the Junior League of San Joaquin County is both educational and charitable. Affiliation allows members access to many international resources and trainings with the hope of increasing members’ ability
to create a positive impact on their community. The main community issue the JLSJC focuses on is the health, welfare, and education of children women and families of San Joaquin County. Their original technique for tackling this issue was to raise money for and issue grant. Thus far they have donated over $2.5 million to local non-profits. They have now added volunteer efforts to their arsenal so that they can donate hours along with dollars.
One of the biggest events the JLSJC holds each year is their rummage sale. This years was on March 3, 2018. The proceeds fromthis event benefitted children, women, and families of San Joaquin Country. They also hold a prom-like event called Festival for special needs students. Each year around 350 special needs students and their teachers and aides attend. The 2017 Festival was superhero themed to highlight the superhero efforts these students make to overcome their individual obstacles. In addition to this event, they provide equipment, vocational training, and micro-business development for special needs classes. Their most recent event was a San Francisco Giants ticket raffle on April 23rd here in the Center at Midgley’s Public House!
The JLSJC has always been involved with Lincoln Center. They have participated in our annual Wine Stroll for three years running by providing phenomenal volunteers and donating their own proceeds. Last year they gave to Haven of Peace. At this year’s Wine Stroll, they will be the exclusive beneficiary! Another connection to the Center is their past president, Lynda Winter, of Great Spectacles! Each year one can buy tickets for the JLSJC rummage sale at Great Spectacles.
More Info: 209.478.0340 or